Office of Communications

The Office of Communications provides news and information about the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and its related programs to faculty members, students, staff, graduates, industry and government leaders, the media, and the interested public through a wide array of print and online media.

Additionally, the office interfaces with or supports (directly or indirectly) every functional unit at SEAS (through activities ranging from coordinating publicity and public relations to creating admissions materials); serves as a liaison to offices and departments throughout the University and works in coordination with the FAS Communications Office, the University News Office, and the Alumni Affairs and Development Office; and works with the Trademark Office to enforce graphic identity and branding guidelines.

Where to find us

News, PR, Social Media, Visual Communications

Matt Goisman
Alumni communications, academic news, social media

Eliza Grinnell
Marketing, strategic projects, branding, web, photography, publications

Chris Grosse
Administrative support, Inside SEAS newsletter, website support, graphic design, event photography

Anne J Manning
Press releases, media relations, research communications, social media


150 Western Avenue
SEC Room 5.308
Allston, MA 02134

Strategic Communications, Media Relations

Leah Burrows
Science and Engineering Complex 2.129-08
150 Western Avenue
Allston, MA 02134