
Computer scientist Kim Hazelwood '04 (Ph.D.) named to TR35

Hazelwood, who worked with FAS Dean Mike Smith, creates adaptive software that better syncs with hardware (Technology Review)

Imagine having a team of mechanics pull apart and retune your car's engine as you hurtle down the highway, without making the engine miss a stroke. That's the nature of the challenge that motivates Kim Hazelwood, an assistant professor of computer science,who has created tools to rewrite software as a computer is executing it. Before she started working on the problem in grad school, "I would have said there's no way you can just take programs and change them and have every program work," says Hazelwood. But industry giants like Intel and researchers around the world have used her subsequent achievements to do just that.

Read the full article in Technology Review

Harvard affiliated honorees included Alán Aspuru-Guzik in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Aaron Dollar '07 (Ph.D).

Other recent TR35 winners from SEAS include Robert Wood, Donhee Ham,and Erez Lieberman. SEAS affiliate Kurt Zenz House '08, who worked with faculty member Michael Aziz, also received the honor.