Chelsea Vuong, A.B. '20, mixes the batter for her group, during a pancakes lab in Science and Cooking. (Photo by Olivia Nie/SEAS Communications)
If you thought science couldn't be fun, Science and Cooking: from Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science (SPU 27) might just change your mind. It's one of those much-sought-after "gem" classes Harvard students often talk about: interesting scientific concepts are broken down into (literally) digestible information, lectures are frequented by celebrity chefs, and students get to put their skills to the test during sections in the food labs. Last week, lectures in elasticity were complemented by pancake-making workshops at Northwest, where students, led by two teaching fellows, used the science they learned to make perfect pancakes. After an initial introduction and safety rules, students were broken into small groups and let loose to make pancakes with (hopefully) ideal elasticities. Some succeeded on the first try, some after three. Regardless of whether perfect elasticity was ever achieved, there's no doubt that students had fun, learned new things and, of course, enjoyed the fruits of their labor.
Remember to read instructions! Alyssa Kim, A.B. '22, and Atu Jimmy, A.B. '22, double-check the outline. (Photo by Olivia Nie/SEAS Communications)
Students worked together in small groups to make pancakes. (Photo by Olivia Nie/SEAS Communications)
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