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Apr 16, 2010 Exploring soft-matter physics from cell nucleus to flaky pie crust A profile of applied physics postdoctoral student Amy Rowat Cooking, Bioengineering, Applied Physics,
Apr 7, 2010 Cold atoms and nanotubes come together for the first time Atoms spiral towards a charged carbon nanotube under dramatic acceleration before splitting apart Applied Physics,
Apr 3, 2010 Black silicon makes solar cells cheaper A one-step process, created in the Mazur lab, creates a highly antireflective layer for photovoltaics (Technology Review). Materials, Environment, Applied Physics,
Mar 26, 2010 Eric Mazur wins special grant from Dreyfus Foundation Special grant in the Chemical Sciences will support applied physicist's innovative teaching Applied Physics, Academics,
Mar 22, 2010 Excellent teaching is in the Q Harvard University Certificate of Distinction in Teaching honors teachers in SEAS across all concentrations who achieve Q scores of 4.5 and above Environment, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Bioengineering, Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, Academics,
Mar 14, 2010 Reengineering science at Harvard Harvard University is in the midst of a scientific renaissance (Boston Globe) Environment, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Bioengineering, Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics,
Mar 6, 2010 Hamsa Sridhar ’12 floats above the fray Math and physics concentrator, working in in the Capasso lab, gets her hands around quantum levitation (Crimson) Applied Physics,
Mar 3, 2010 Sorting device for biological reactions puts the power of a lab in a pocket Microfluidic technology increases efficiency, reduces costs, and could be a boon for synthetic biology Applied Physics,
Feb 15, 2010 Digging into diamonds, applied physicists advance quantum science Diamond nanowire device could lead to new class of diamond nanomaterials Electrical Engineering, Applied Physics,
Feb 13, 2010 Kit Parker receives New England Achievement Award, part of National Engineers Week Bioengineer and U.S. Army major honored for always putting his research team and fellow soldiers first Bioengineering, Applied Physics,