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Bill Gates to speak at Commencement

William H. (Bill) Gates, a member of the class of 1977, will be the principal speaker at the Afternoon Exercises during Harvard's 356th Commencement on June 7

Q&A with Lene Hau

Applied physicist Lene Vestergaard Hau sheds some light on what she calls a "new territory, a new regime of nature" (Boston Globe)

Personal genome

Exploring the work of Jene Golovchenko and Daniel Branton and their Nanopore Group (Harvard Magazine)

Jared D. Brown '07 wins 2006 SAME Award

Engineering Sciences concentrator J for winning the 2006 Colonel and Mrs. S.S. Dennis, III Scholarship on behalf of the Society of American Military Engineers


Nan Sun, a graduate student in the Donhee Ham lab, is the 2007 recipient of the Analog Devices Outstanding Student Designer Award