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Showing 2850 of 2985 results

One culture

Bioengineer David Edwards writes in Nature about his Le Laboratoire project, the first experiment-driven art and science incubator opening in Paris (Nature)

Solid start

SiEnergy, a spin-off co-founded by Shriram Ramanathan received $500k in funding from Allied Minds

Legal power

A Harvard Law School professor is using grid computing to analyze the often hidden complexity of redistricting (iSTGW)

Good fun

L. Mahadevan was presented with an Ig Nobel award for the study of wrinkle patterns on sheets, saying, "there's no reason good science can't be fun."

Visually arresting

Grad student Adam C. Siegel and his colleagues received honorable mention in Science's Visualization Challenge for their entry "Tiny Metal Pathways"


Bioengineers David Edwards and graduate student are Ling Wong among the superheroes fighting global disease (Newsweek)

Staying ahead

Bioengineer and Army Reservist Kit Parker provides first-hand knowledge and technical expertise about head trauma injuries on the battlefield (ABC News)