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Assistant Professor Shriram Ramanathan is part of Hydrophen, a Harvard University team that's among the top 10 finalists in the 2006 Ignite Clean Energy Competition

Multitasking undergrads

The Crimson gave some publicity and praise to the top senior engineering design projects for ES100/100hf (Crimson)

Grad life revealed

The Washington Post profiled applied physics graduate student Benjamin G. Lee, a member of Federico Capasso's lab, in the April 18th edtion (Washington Post)

Out of the box

Purdue University's student newspaper covered a recent talk by Dean Venky encouraging engineers to invent outside the box (The Exponent)

Eyes on the sky

A new telescope will scan the universe for signs of life on other planets (Boston Globe)

Paving the way

CS Graduate student Rebecca Nesson has been awarded one of the 19 $10,000 2006 Anita Borg Scholarships sponsored by Google

Shared knowledge

India's Newindpress and The Hindu both reported on a talk given by Dean Venky about ways to transform Indian engineering colleges to meet international standards

Changed world

Changing Our World: True Stories of Women Engineers, published by the American Society of Civil Engineers, features two DEAS pioneers