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Showing 2970 of 3028 results

A new deal

Bioengineer David Edwards's quest is to "transform the way that new drugs move from the University's laboratories to remote villages in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia" (Crimson)

At the crossroads

Scientists visiting Harvard this month gave an audience a glimpse into the future of medicine - a world of implantable arteries, "bioartificial" organs, and replacement cells for failing hearts (Harvard Gazette)

Ads in space

Alum Thaddeus Fulford-Jones (Engineering Sciences) and now MIT graduate student is part of a group offering companies the chance to put ads into orbit (Boston Globe)

A natural engineer

We are pleased to welcome Colleen Hansel, Assistant Professor of Environmental Microbiology

Howe nice

Congrats to two grad students in faculty member Rob Howe's biorobotics lab


A sad passing

Joseph Harrington, Gordon McKay Professor of Environmental Engineering and Professor of Environmental Health Engineering in the HSPH Department of Environmental Health, has passed away

Winning design

Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) announced that a team of graduate students from Harvard University won first place in the SRC/SIA SoC Design Challenge