Course Listing

For a snapshot of courses being offered by Harvard School of Engineering over the next four years, visit our multi-year course planning tool.


Introduction to Applied Mathematics

2025 Spring

Cengiz Pehlevan
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00am to 10:15am

This course provides an introduction to the problems and issues of applied mathematics, focusing on areas where mathematical ideas have had a major impact on diverse fields of human inquiry. The course is organized around two-week topics drawn from a variety of fields, and involves reading classic mathematical papers in each topic. The course also provides an introduction to mathematical modeling and programming.

Course Website

Supervised Reading and Research

2025 Spring

Margo Levine, Sarah Iams

Supervised reading or research on topics not covered by regular courses. It cannot be taken as a fifth course. For AM concentrators, work may be supervised by faculty in other departments. For non-concentrators, work must be supervised by an AM faculty member. To be eligible to enroll in the course, students must receive the approval of the course instructors, including approved registration forms, prior to the start of the semester.

Course Website

Thesis Research

2025 Spring

Margo Levine, Sarah Iams

Provides an opportunity for students to engage in preparatory research and the writing of a senior thesis. Graded on a SAT/UNS basis as recommended by the thesis supervisor. The thesis is evaluated by the supervisor and by one additional reader.

Course Website

Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

2025 Spring

Margo Levine
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00am to 10:15am

Ordinary differential equations: power series solutions; special functions; eigenfunction expansions. Elementary partial differential equations: separation of variables and series solutions; diffusion, wave and Laplace equations. Brief introduction to nonlinear dynamical systems and to numerical methods.

Course Website

Algebra for Models and Data

2025 Spring

Anna Seigal
Monday, Wednesday
3:00pm to 4:15pm

This course is an introduction to abstract algebra and its applications. Topics will include rings, polynomials, and ideals, factorization of matrices and polynomials, exact and numerical algorithms for solving equations, and applications to data analysis, modeling, and optimization.


Course Website

Graph Theory and Combinatorics

2025 Spring

Leslie Valiant
Tuesday, Thursday
9:45am to 11:00am

Topics in combinatorial mathematics that find frequent application in computer science, engineering, and general applied mathematics. Course focuses on graph theory on one hand, and enumeration on the other. Specific topics include graph matching and graph coloring, generating functions and recurrence relations, combinatorial algorithms, and discrete probability. Emphasis on problem solving and proofs.

Course Website

Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

2025 Spring

Sarah Iams
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
1:30pm to 2:45pm

An introduction to nonlinear dynamical phenomena, focused on identifying the long term behavior of systems described by ordinary differential equations. The emphasis is on stability and parameter dependence (bifurcations).  Other topics include: chaos; routes to chaos and universality; maps; strange attractors; fractals. Techniques for analyzing nonlinear systems are introduced with applications to physical, chemical, and biological systems such as forced oscillators, chaotic reactions, and population dynamics.

Course Website

Mathematical Modeling

2025 Spring

Zhiming Kuang
Tuesday, Thursday
10:30am to 11:45am

Abstracting the essential components and mechanisms from a natural system to produce a mathematical model, which can be analyzed with a variety of formal mathematical methods, is perhaps the most important, but least understood, task in applied mathematics. This course approaches a number of problems without the prejudice of trying to apply a particular method of solution. Topics drawn from biology, economics, engineering, physical and social sciences.

Course Website

Applied Linear Algebra and Big Data

2025 Spring

Eli Tziperman
Tuesday, Thursday
1:30pm to 2:45pm

Topics in linear algebra that frequently arise in applications, especially in the analysis of large data sets: linear equations, eigenvalue problems, linear differential equations, principal component analysis, singular value decomposition; data mining and machine learning methods: clustering (unsupervised learning) and classification (supervised) using neural networks and random forests. Examples from physical sciences, biology, climate, commerce, the internet, image processing, and more will be given. The approach is application-motivated, focusing on an intuitive understanding of the algorithms behind these methods obtained by analyzing small data sets. Programming assignments can be done using Python or Matlab.

Course Website

Physical Mathematics I

2025 Spring

Michael P. Brenner
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
10:30am to 11:45am

Introduction to methods for developing accurate approximate solutions for problems in the sciences that cannot be solved exactly, and integration with numerical methods and solutions. Topics include: dimensional analysis, algebraic equations, complex analysis, perturbation theory, matched asymptotic expansions, approximate solution of integrals.

Course Website

Special Topics in Applied Mathematics

2025 Spring

Yue Lu

Supervision of experimental or theoretical research on acceptable problems in applied mathematics and supervision of reading on topics not covered by regular courses of instruction.

Course Website