Bachelor's in Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering

Why pursue a bachelor’s degree in Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical Engineering is critical to the success of many human enterprises. It plays a central role in the generation and distribution of energy, transportation, manufacturing, and infrastructure development. Nearly every product or service in modern life has been touched in some way by a mechanical engineer.

At Harvard College, students choose a "concentration," which is what we call a major. All prospective undergraduate students, including those intending to study engineering and applied sciences, apply directly to Harvard College. During your sophomore spring you’ll declare a concentration, or field of study. You may choose from 50 concentrations and 49 secondary field (from Harvard DSO website).

Students can pursue a degree with an emphasis in mechanical engineering through the following concentrations:

  • A.B. in Engineering Sciences - Mechanical and Materials Science and Engineering Track
  • S.B. in Mechanical Engineering

Learn about some of our Mechanical Engineering Concentrators >

Apply to Harvard College >


Bachelor of Arts (A.B.)

Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering is a discipline of engineering that uses the principles of physics and materials science for the analysis and design of mechanical and thermal systems. The objectives of the Mechanical and Materials Science and Engineering Track of the Engineering Sciences A.B. program are to provide students a solid foundation in mechanical engineering study within the setting of a liberal arts college for preparation for a diverse range of careers in industry and government or for advanced work in engineering, business, law, or medicine.

Bachelor of Science (S.B.)

Mechanical Engineering concentrators receive a foundational education in a discipline central to challenges in energy, transportation, manufacturing, robotics, and the development of public infrastructure. Mechanical Engineering deals with the study and application of mechanical and thermal systems and covers a range of subtopics including mechatronics and robotics, structural analysis, thermodynamics and engineering design including the analysis of mechanical systems using finite element methods, the science of new materials, and devices for micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) and biological and nanotechnology applications.

AB/SM Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering Degree Program

Our AB/SM degree program is for currently enrolled Harvard College students only.


Learn about the prerequisites for the concentration and the differences between the S.B. and A.B. tracks on on our First-Year Exploration page. Students interested in concentrating in Mechanical Engineering can be matched with a Peer Concentration Advisor. PCAs serve as peer advisors for pre-concentrators (and current concentrators), providing a valuable perspective and helping students to discover additional resources and opportunities. Learn more about the Peer Concentration Advisor program.

AB/SM Program

Our AB/SM degree program is for currently enrolled Harvard College students only.


Learn more about the Mechanical Engineering requirements.

Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering Degree Courses

View current Mechanical Engineering courses

Research Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering

As part of your Mechanical Engineering coursework, or perhaps as part of individual research opportunities working with professors, you will have the chance to take part in or participate in some extraordinary projects. Learn more about research opportunities at Harvard SEAS.

Learn about the research interests of our Materials Science & Mechanical Engineering faculty.

Mechanical Engineering Career Paths

Read about some of our Mechanical Engineering Alumni

Clubs and Organizations

SEAS-affiliated student organizations are critical to the overall growth of our concentrators as engineering and applied science professionals. These organizations enable our students to pursue passion projects and events in areas of interest that are complementary to the current formal academic curriculum. Learn more about SEAS-affiliated student clubs and organizations.

Hands-on Learning

At Harvard SEAS, our commitment to 'active learning' is embodied in our state-of-the-art Active Learning Labs. These labs are meticulously designed to equip students with essential skills across the mechanical, electrical, computational, biological, environmental, and design disciplines. In collaboration, the Active Learning team and SEAS faculty develop engaging, hands-on activities that align with educational objectives and enhance coursework. This integrative approach ensures a robust learning environment that fosters practical and theoretical proficiency.