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Showing 2940 of 3028 results

Guggenheim fellow

Computer scientist Salil Vadhan is among the the 189 artists, scholars, and scientists bestowed with a Guggenheim Fellowship

Beautiful music

Patrick Wolfe provided expertise on all things audio for a PRX radio piece about Igor Stravinsky's recording of compositions in the American Legion Hall.

Bill Gates to speak at Commencement

William H. (Bill) Gates, a member of the class of 1977, will be the principal speaker at the Afternoon Exercises during Harvard's 356th Commencement on June 7

Q&A with Lene Hau

Applied physicist Lene Vestergaard Hau sheds some light on what she calls a "new territory, a new regime of nature" (Boston Globe)

Personal genome

Exploring the work of Jene Golovchenko and Daniel Branton and their Nanopore Group (Harvard Magazine)