Mechanical Engineering

The Mechanical Engineering space allows one to imagine, design, and build. The team supports a collective of Engineering classes that range from introductory topics to advanced concepts. Anything from CAD software to building robots, the talented staff is ready to help with all things mechanical. Every room in this space is specifically set up to fit a project’s needs. These rooms include: Flexible design and teaching spaces, the Makerspace, CNC shop, Woodshop, Rapid Fabrication Lab, and a Polymer Casting and Painting room.

The flexible design and teaching space has workbenches, hand tools, and multiple 3D printers, including a continuous printer that can print with no time gaps between one project and the next. The Makerspace is a room for any project to come in and find niche items such as: sewing machine, soldering irons, 3D printers, and numerous other maker tools. It also has easy access to the specialty shops surrounding it and the flexible design and teaching space. The CNC room is outfitted with computer aided machines that allow unique projects to be done with precision by using our brand new 2OP Mills, DRO equipped lathes, or water jet that can have designs uploaded to it. The Woodshop is ready for any wood-based projects with hand tools, drills, and CNC routers. The Rapid Fabrication Lab has user friendly laser cutters to quickly cut most materials into any shapes needed and it also houses our workhorse Stratasys 3D printers. The Polymer Casting and Painting room allows students to make and mold parts out of resins and materials such as urethane and silicone. It also houses a spray booth for painting projects and a thermoformer for molding sheets of plastics into various shapes. 

Meet the Team

Nora Z Cullen

Director for Active Learning, Mechanical Engineering

Hanna M. Quigley

Mechanical Engineer for Active Learning


Charlie Biggs

Mechanical Engineer for Active Learning