Course Listing

For a snapshot of courses being offered by Harvard School of Engineering over the next four years, visit our Multi Year Course Planning tool.

Great Ideas in Computer Science

2025 Spring

Henry Leitner
Tuesday, Thursday
10:30am to 11:45am

An introduction to the most important discoveries and intellectual paradigms in computer science, designed for students with little or no previous background. Explores problem-solving and data analysis using Python, a programming language with a simple syntax and a powerful set of libraries. This course covers basic data types and collections (lists, dictionaries, tuples, and sets), control flow, recursion, supervised machine learning via regression, visualization, information hiding and encapsulation using classes and objects, and introduces the analysis of program performance. Presents an integrated view of computer systems, from switching circuits up through compilers, and examines theoretical and practical limitations related to unsolvable and intractable computational problems. Other topics include the social and ethical dilemmas presented by such issues as software unreliability, algorithmic bias, and invasions of privacy.

Course Website

Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science

2025 Spring

Rebecca Nesson, Adam Hesterberg
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:45am to 11:00am

Widely applicable mathematical tools for computer science, including topics from logic, set theory, combinatorics, number theory, probability theory, and graph theory. Practice in reasoning formally and proving theorems.

Course Website

Introduction to Computer Science

2025 Spring

David J. Malan, Yuliia Zhukovets
3:45pm to 6:30pm

This is CS50, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming, for concentrators and non-concentrators alike, with or without prior programming experience. (More than half of CS50 students have never taken CS before!) This course teaches you how to solve problems, both with and without code, with an emphasis on correctness, design, and style. Topics include computational thinking, abstraction, algorithms, data structures, and computer science more generally. Problem sets inspired by the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. More than teach you how to program in one language, this course teaches you how to program fundamentally and how to teach yourself new languages ultimately. The course starts with a traditional but omnipresent language called C that underlies today's newer languages, via which you'll learn not only about functions, variables, conditionals, loops, and more, but also about how computers themselves work underneath the hood, memory and all. The course then transitions to Python, a higher-level language that you'll understand all the more because of C. Toward term's end, the course introduces SQL, via which you can store data in databases, along with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, via which you can create web and mobile apps alike. Course culminates in a final project. See for advice, FAQs, syllabus, and what's new. Email the course's heads at with questions.

Course Website

Introduction to Computer Science

2025 Spring

David J. Malan, Yuliia Zhukovets
6:00pm to 8:45pm

This is CS50, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming, for concentrators and non-concentrators alike, with or without prior programming experience. (More than half of CS50 students have never taken CS before!) This course teaches you how to solve problems, both with and without code, with an emphasis on correctness, design, and style. Topics include computational thinking, abstraction, algorithms, data structures, and computer science more generally. Problem sets inspired by the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. More than teach you how to program in one language, this course teaches you how to program fundamentally and how to teach yourself new languages ultimately. The course starts with a traditional but omnipresent language called C that underlies today's newer languages, via which you'll learn not only about functions, variables, conditionals, loops, and more, but also about how computers themselves work underneath the hood, memory and all. The course then transitions to Python, a higher-level language that you'll understand all the more because of C. Toward term's end, the course introduces SQL, via which you can store data in databases, along with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, via which you can create web and mobile apps alike. Course culminates in a final project. See for advice, FAQs, syllabus, and what's new. Email the course's heads at with questions.

Course Website

Introduction to Computer Science

2025 Spring

David J. Malan, Yuliia Zhukovets
9:00am to 11:45am

This is CS50, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming, for concentrators and non-concentrators alike, with or without prior programming experience. (More than half of CS50 students have never taken CS before!) This course teaches you how to solve problems, both with and without code, with an emphasis on correctness, design, and style. Topics include computational thinking, abstraction, algorithms, data structures, and computer science more generally. Problem sets inspired by the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. More than teach you how to program in one language, this course teaches you how to program fundamentally and how to teach yourself new languages ultimately. The course starts with a traditional but omnipresent language called C that underlies today's newer languages, via which you'll learn not only about functions, variables, conditionals, loops, and more, but also about how computers themselves work underneath the hood, memory and all. The course then transitions to Python, a higher-level language that you'll understand all the more because of C. Toward term's end, the course introduces SQL, via which you can store data in databases, along with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, via which you can create web and mobile apps alike. Course culminates in a final project. See for advice, FAQs, syllabus, and what's new. Email the course's heads at with questions.

Course Website

Introduction to Computer Science

2025 Spring

David J. Malan, Yuliia Zhukovets
9:00am to 11:45am

This is CS50, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming, for concentrators and non-concentrators alike, with or without prior programming experience. (More than half of CS50 students have never taken CS before!) This course teaches you how to solve problems, both with and without code, with an emphasis on correctness, design, and style. Topics include computational thinking, abstraction, algorithms, data structures, and computer science more generally. Problem sets inspired by the arts, humanities, social sciences, and sciences. More than teach you how to program in one language, this course teaches you how to program fundamentally and how to teach yourself new languages ultimately. The course starts with a traditional but omnipresent language called C that underlies today's newer languages, via which you'll learn not only about functions, variables, conditionals, loops, and more, but also about how computers themselves work underneath the hood, memory and all. The course then transitions to Python, a higher-level language that you'll understand all the more because of C. Toward term's end, the course introduces SQL, via which you can store data in databases, along with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, via which you can create web and mobile apps alike. Course culminates in a final project. See for advice, FAQs, syllabus, and what's new. Email the course's heads at with questions.

Course Website

Abstraction and Design in Computation

2025 Spring

Stuart Shieber
Tuesday, Thursday
3:45pm to 5:00pm

Fundamental concepts in the design of computer programs, emphasizing the crucial role of abstraction. The goal of the course is to give students insight into the difference between programming and programming well. To emphasize the differing approaches to expressing programming solutions, you will learn to program in a variety of paradigms -- including functional, imperative, and object-oriented. Important ideas from software engineering and models of computation will inform these different views of programming.

Course Website

Abstraction and Design in Computation

2025 Spring

Stuart Shieber
Tuesday, Thursday
12:45pm to 2:00pm

Fundamental concepts in the design of computer programs, emphasizing the crucial role of abstraction. The goal of the course is to give students insight into the difference between programming and programming well. To emphasize the differing approaches to expressing programming solutions, you will learn to program in a variety of paradigms -- including functional, imperative, and object-oriented. Important ideas from software engineering and models of computation will inform these different views of programming.

Course Website

Abstraction and Design in Computation

2025 Spring

Stuart Shieber

Fundamental concepts in the design of computer programs, emphasizing the crucial role of abstraction. The goal of the course is to give students insight into the difference between programming and programming well. To emphasize the differing approaches to expressing programming solutions, you will learn to program in a variety of paradigms -- including functional, imperative, and object-oriented. Important ideas from software engineering and models of computation will inform these different views of programming.

Course Website

Supervised Reading and Research

2025 Spring

Stephen Chong, Eddie Kohler, Adam Hesterberg

Supervised individual study of advanced topics in computer science. A student wishing to enroll in Computer Science 91r must be accepted by a faculty member who will supervise the course work. Additional information and a form are available via The form must be filled out and signed by the student and faculty supervisor. Students writing theses may enroll in this course while conducting thesis research and writing.

Course Website

Data Science 2: Advanced Topics in Data Science

2025 Spring

Pavlos Protopapas, Natesh Sivasubramonia Pillai
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9:00am to 10:15am

Data Science 2 is the second half of a one-year introduction to data science. Building upon the material in Data Science 1, the course introduces advanced methods for statistical modeling, representation, and prediction. Topics include multiple deep learning architectures such as CNNs, RNNs, transformers, language models, autoencoders, and generative models as well as basic Bayesian methods, and unsupervised learning. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both the fall and spring course within the same academic year. Part two of a two-part series.

Course Website

Data Structures and Algorithms

2025 Spring

Madhu Sudan, Sitan Chen
Monday, Wednesday
2:15pm to 3:30pm

Design and analysis of efficient algorithms and data structures. Algorithm design methods, graph algorithms, approximation algorithms, and randomized algorithms are covered.

Course Website


2025 Spring

Cryptography is as old as human communication itself, but has undergone a revolution in the last few decades. It is now about much more than "secret writing" and includes seemingly paradoxical notions such as communicating securely without a shared secret, and computing on encrypted data. In this challenging but rewarding course we will start from the basics of private and public key cryptography and go all the way up to advanced notions such as fully homomorphic encryption and software obfuscation. This is a proof-based course that will be best appreciated by mathematically mature students.

Course Website

Economics and Computation

2025 Spring

Ariel Procaccia
Monday, Wednesday
3:45pm to 5:00pm

The course explores the interaction between the disciplines of economics and computer science. In one direction, we will see how computational thinking (including concepts like approximation algorithms and worst-case analysis) gives a new perspective on areas of economic theory such as game theory, mechanism design, and social choice. In the other direction, we will discuss how economic approaches can address timely questions in computer science and artificial intelligence. Special attention will be devoted to problems of societal significance. For a detailed list of topics, see the course schedule.

Course Website

Computer Networks

2025 Spring

H. Kung
Monday, Wednesday
3:45pm to 5:00pm

Computer networking has enabled the emergence of mobile and cloud computing, creating two of the most significant technological breakthroughs in computing. Computer networks have become even more critical these days since remote activities have become a new norm. We expect several focuses in the coming years. First, we will witness the emergence of 5G wireless mobile networks, which have already begun to replace the current 4G networks. Second, cybersecurity and privacy will receive unprecedented attention from the industry. Third, blockchain technology, which underlies Bitcoin, creates a new trusted network infrastructure for many new distributed applications. Fourth, distance learning and virtual meetings will push the limits of current multicast and network management technologies. In this course, students will learn basic networking protocols as well as these timely topics.

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Networking at Scale

2025 Spring

Minlan Yu
Tuesday, Thursday
11:15am to 12:30pm

This course studies computer network topics including Layer 2/Layer 3 topology, routing, transport protocols, traffic engineering, network functions, programmable switches, and software-defined networking. Modern networks have grown to large scale (connecting millions of servers) and high speed (terabits per second) to meet the needs of cloud applications in business and society. Thus, in addition to learning the conventional concepts in networking, we will also discuss how to adapt these concepts to large-scale networks. These discussions will hopefully help deepen our understanding of networking technologies. This course includes lectures and system programming projects. More information can be found at

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Programming Languages

2025 Spring

Nada Amin
Tuesday, Thursday
11:15am to 12:30pm

Comprehensive introduction to the principal features and overall design of both traditional and modern programming languages, including syntax, formal semantics, abstraction mechanisms, modularity, type systems, naming, polymorphism, closures, continuations, and concurrency. Provides the intellectual tools needed to design, evaluate, choose, and use programming languages.

Course Website

Operating Systems

2025 Spring

James Mickens
Monday, Wednesday
2:15pm to 3:30pm

This course focuses on the design and implementation of modern operating systems. The course discusses threads, processes, virtual memory, schedulers, and the other fundamental primitives that an OS uses to represent active computations. An exploration of the system call interface explains how applications interact with hardware and other programs which are concurrently executing. Case studies of popular file systems reveal how an OS makes IO efficient and robust in the midst of crashes and unexpected reboots. Students also learn how virtualization allows a physical machine to partition its resources across multiple virtual machines. Class topics are reinforced through a series of intensive programming assignments which use a real operating system.

Course Website

Machine Learning

2025 Spring

Finale Doshi-Velez, David Alvarez Melis
Tuesday, Thursday
9:45am to 11:00am

Introduction to machine learning, providing a probabilistic view on artificial intelligence and reasoning under uncertainty. Topics include: supervised learning, ensemble methods and boosting, neural networks, support vector machines, kernel methods, clustering and unsupervised learning, maximum likelihood, graphical models, hidden Markov models, inference methods, and computational learning theory. Students should feel comfortable with multivariate calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, and complexity theory. Students will be required to produce non-trivial programs in Python.

Course Website

Planning and Learning Methods in AI

2025 Spring

Stephanie Gil, Kiante Brantley
Monday, Wednesday
12:45pm to 2:00pm

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already making a powerful impact on modern technology, and is expected to be even more transformative in the near future. The course introduces the ideas and techniques underlying this exciting field, with the goal of teaching students to identify effective representations and approaches for a wide variety of computational tasks. Topics covered in this course are broadly divided into search and planning, optimization and games, and uncertainty and learning. Special attention is given to ethical considerations in AI and to applications that benefit society. For more information please see the course website.

Course Website

Classics of Computer Science

2025 Spring

Harry Lewis
Tuesday, Thursday
2:15pm to 3:30pm

Papers every computer scientist should have read, from all areas of the field and dating from its origins to the present.

Course Website

High Performance Computing for Science and Engineering

2025 Spring

Chuck Witt, Ignacio Becker Troncoso
Tuesday, Thursday
2:15pm to 3:30pm

As manufacturing processes approach the physical limits of transistor density on modern computing architectures, efficient code must leverage parallel execution to scale with available hardware resources. It is therefore crucial for software developers to adopt a “think parallel” mindset, given that computers are a fundamental tool for solving complex scientific problems across academia, industry, and society. This course introduces parallel programming and its relationship to computer architectures. Various forms of parallelism are considered and exploited through several programming models, with a particular focus on shared and distributed memory programming. The techniques are explored in depth with homework, lab sessions, and a term project.

Course Website

Algorithms at the Ends of the Wire

2025 Spring

Michael Mitzenmacher
Tuesday, Thursday
11:15am to 12:30pm

Covers topics related to algorithms for big data, especially related to networks and database systems. Themes include sketch-based data structures, compression, graph and link information, and information theory. Requires a major final research-based project.

Course Website

Computational Learning Theory

2025 Spring

Leslie Valiant
Tuesday, Thursday
12:45pm to 2:00pm

Possibilities of and limitations to performing learning by a computational process. Computationally feasible generalization and its limits. Topics include computational models of learning, polynomial time learnability, learning from examples and from queries to oracles. Applications to Boolean functions, languages and geometric functions. Darwinian evolution as learning.

Course Website

Research Topics in Operating Systems

2025 Spring

Eddie Kohler
Monday, Wednesday
9:45am to 11:00am

An introduction to operating systems research. Paper-based seminar course that introduces students to the state of the art in systems research through historical and quantitative lenses. Students will read and discuss research papers and complete a final research project.

Course Website

Introduction to Distributed Computing

2025 Spring

Jim Waldo
Monday, Wednesday
2:15pm to 3:30pm

An examination of the special problems associated with distributed computing such as partial failure, lack of global knowledge, asynchrony and coordination of time, and protocols that function in the face of these problems. Emphasis on both the theory that grounds thinking about these systems and in the ways to design and build such systems.

Course Website

Big Data Systems

2025 Spring

Stratos Idreos
Tuesday, Thursday
9:45am to 11:00am

Big data is everywhere. A fundamental goal across numerous modern businesses and sciences is to be able to utilize as many machines as possible, to consume as much information as possible and as fast as possible. The big challenge is how to turn data into useful knowledge. This is a moving target as both the underlying hardware and our ability to collect data evolve. In this class, we discuss how to design data systems, data structures, and algorithms for key data-driven areas, including relational systems, distributed systems, graph systems, noSQL, newSQL, machine learning, and neural networks. We see how they all rely on the same set of very basic concepts and we learn how to synthesize efficient solutions for any problem across these areas using those basic concepts.

Course Website

Seminar on Effective Research Practices and Academic Culture

2025 Spring

Martin Wattenberg, John Girash
9:45am to 11:45am

This is a reading and discussion-based seminar designed for entering Computer Science Ph.D. students. This course prepares students to manage the difficult and often undiscussed challenges of Ph.D. programs through sessions on research skill building (e.g. paper reading, communication), soft skill building (e.g. managing advising relationships, supporting your peers), and academic culture (e.g. mental health in academia, power dynamics in scientific communities), as well as research and professional-oriented discussions. This is a full-year, 4-unit course, meeting once a week in each of the fall and the spring. Students must complete both terms of this course (CS 2901 and CS 2902) within the same academic year to receive credit.


Course Website

Special Topics in Computer Science

2025 Spring

Madhu Sudan

Supervision of experimental or theoretical research on acceptable problems in computer science and supervision of reading on topics not covered by regular courses of instruction.

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