Building Relationships, Increasing Diversity, and Growing Engineers

BRIDGE Week is an annual event to recognize the importance of diversity in STEM, discuss current challenges, and learn how to foster a safe and welcoming STEM environment for all backgrounds and identities. This initiative started 2018 as a collaboration between the National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Women Engineers, and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers.

The BRIDGE Banquet is the cornerstone event of the week. Student leaders select a scientist that has made an impact on society and paved the way for future generations of engineers. Past BRIDGE Banquet Honorees include:

  • 2024 Honoree: Nadya Mason, Rosalyn Sussman Yalow Professor in Physics, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • 2023 Honoree: Demba Ba, Gordon McKay Professor of Electrical Engineering, Harvard University
  • 2022 Honoree: Raquel Hill, PhD '02, Professor and Chair of Computer Science Department, Spelman College
  • 2019 Honoree: Michi Garrison, AB '83, VP of Research & Development, Intervene, Inc.
  • 2018 Honoree: Stephanie Wilson, SB '88, NASA Astronaut

To submit ideas for future BRIDGE Week events or honorees, contact


Rainbow flyer with all BRIDGE Week events
Red flyer for BRIDGE Week Indigenous Walking Tour and lunch

Indigenous Walking Tour + Lunch

Join us for an Indigenous Walking Tour in collaboration with the Harvard University Native American Program (HUNAP). This guided experience will take participants through Harvard Yard, highlighting sites that reflect the lasting impact of Native and Indigenous communities on Harvard's history and present. Stick around after the tour for lunch and a presentation provided by Chiqui’s Kitchen. RSVP Here

Brown flyer for BRIDGE Week Student Mixer

BRIDGE Week Student Mixer

Unwind at the Student Mixer and enjoy food, music, games, and a chance to win prizes in our raffle! The mixer is a chance to build your community and engage with SEAS departmentally-sponsored organizations, including the Harvard Society of Black Scientists and Engineers (HSBSE), Society of Women Engineers (SWE), Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), and Engineers Without Borders (EWB). RSVP Here

Blue flyer for BRIDGE Week talk by Derek Muller

Making Science Viral with Veritasium

Join us for a talk by Derek Muller, physicist and creator of the popular YouTube channel known as Veritasium. Muller will share his journey through science communication and the story behind his channel's success. Don’t miss the chance to hear from a leading science communicator about the importance of making science accessible and engaging! Lunch will be provided. RSVP Here

Green flyer for the BRIDGE Week Banquet

BRIDGE Week Banquet

The BRIDGE Week Banquet is the cornerstone event of BRIDGE Week. Student leaders select a scientist that has made an impact on society and paved the way for future engineers. This year we welcome Derek Muller as our keynote speaker. Muller is trained as a physicist and leads a popular science education YouTube channel known as Veritasium. Join us to learn more about Muller’s work and the importance of science communication! RSVP Here

The Friday of BRIDGE Week will be a collaboration with the Mary Lyon Pilot High School. High schoolers will engage in fun science demos led by physics graduate students and end the day with a science career panel guided by undergraduate students.

BRIDGE Week 2024 Archives


BRIDGE WEEK 2024 will be held April 21st-26th. To suggest ideas for future BRIDGE Week programming or honorees, please contact

Apr 21st Bridging Connections Banquet

6:00pm – 8:00pm | RSVP

The BRIDGE Banquet is the cornerstone event of BRIDGE week. Student leaders at SEAS honor a SEAS alumnus or Harvard faculty member who has made an impact on society and paved the way for future generations of diverse engineers. Sponsored by the DIB Fellows in the Office for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging. 2024 Keynote Speaker is Dr. Nadya Mason. Dr. Mason is currently faculty in the Physics department at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Join us to learn more about her journey through physics and academia!


Apr 22nd BRIDGE Week Kick-Off: Art of STEM Showcase

10:00am – 3:00pm | SEC Atrium | RSVP

Join us for our kick-off event! Find us in the SEC Atrium to learn about what Bridge Week will look like! We will have food and a chance to win prizes!


Apr. 23rd Minute Physics & Earth @ Harvard

2:00pm | Science Center Hall A | RSVP

Are you a fan of MinutePhysics or MinuteEarth? Join us at this event to learn from members of their team about how they built such a popular science education YouTube channel!


Apr. 23rd Scholars in STEM: A Thesis Showcase

4:00pm | Science Center Hall A | RSVP

Hear from STEM Harvard undergraduates to learn about what research they've been working on during their last year of college! 


Apr. 24th Human Ties to STEM Panel

12:00pm – 2:00pm | Maxwell-Dworkin G125 | RSVP

Join us at our panel to learn all about research that bridges humanities and STEM! Speakers include Kalyan Veeramachaneni, Alvin Harvey, and Insoo Hyun.


Apr. 25th Science & Art Mixer

5:00pm – 7:00pm | SEC 3.4 Lobby | RSVP


BRIDGE Week 2023 Archives


BRIDGE WEEK 2023 will be held April 3-7. To suggest ideas for future BRIDGE Week programming or honorees, please contact

Flyer for Alumni Panel

Apr 3rd Alumni in Industry Panel:

12p – 2pm Maxwell-Dworkin G125

Join SEAS alumni in this panel about their experiences at Harvard and beyond. Learn from our panelists about their champions and the communities that helped them thrive. Leave with take-aways for your academic and professional careers.


Thesis Celebration Flyer

Apr 4th Increasing Diversity in Thesis Writing:

2:30pm – 4:00pm Maxwell-Dworkin 119

SEAS Seniors will introduce their thesis research topics and the value of thesis writing. Topics include Resources for Research and Writing; a Thesis-Hack-a-Thon; and a Group-Share-Out.


Flyer for Bogdan Dragnea Lunch Break Seminar

Apr. 5th Lunch Break Seminar

Seminar: 11am - 12pm SEC 2.122, with lunch following

Bogdan Dragnea earned his Diploma in Physics from the University of Bucharest in 1992. A Ph.D. scholarship from the French government allowed him to join the laser-matter interactions Physics graduate program at the University of Paris at Orsay. After a postdoc in near-field optics and spectroscopy with Steve Leone at JILA in Boulder, he joined the Chemistry Department at Indiana University Bloomington in 2001. There, he set up a laboratory that developed methods for the study of in-vitro virus self-assembly and of virus-inspired materials. The latest discovery is a room temperature super-radiant phase transition occurring in virus-templated fluorophore arrays. Other interests include the study of thermodynamically stable phases at nanoscale. Outside the lab, he enjoys hiking, alpine climbing, and building and sailing small wooden boats.

BRIDGE Week Banquet Flyer

Apr. 5th SEAS ODIB Banquet:

6pm – 8pm SEC 1.402

The BRIDGE Banquet is the cornerstone event of BRIDGE week. Student leaders at SEAS honor a SEAS alumnus or Harvard faculty member that has made an impact on society and paved the way for future generations of diverse engineers. Sponsored by the DIB Fellows in the Office for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging. 2023 Keynote Speaker Demba Ba.

Image of Professor Demba Ba

Professor Ba's interests lie at the intersection of theory, computing, and data, with diverse applications that range from computational neuroscience, multimedia signal processing, and network science. He received the B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 2004 and the M.Sci. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA in 2006 and 2011, respectively. He went on to work as a Postdoctoral Associate with the MIT/Harvard Neuroscience Statistics Research Laboratory, where he developed theory and efficient algorithms to assess synchrony among large assemblies of neurons. In 2006 and 2009, he was a Summer Research Intern with the Communication and Collaboration Systems Group, Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA. In 2009, Professor Ba and his collaborators developed the first algorithm that could use sound to inferm the goemetry of a room. This pioneering work has numerous implications for the design of smart soundscapes and for speech enhancement systems in highly-reverberant environment.

Image of Mariachi Veritas de Harvard group, performing


With a performance by Mariachi Veritas de Harvard

BRIDGE Week Student Affinity Mixer Flyer

Apr. 6th Student Affinity Organizations Mixer:

6pm – 8pm SEC LL2 Atrium

Student clubs celebrating diversity in STEM deserve to be celebrated. The ODIB office invites all members with STEM Diversity in their mission to come mix and mingle over fun games, lavish prizes, and more.

Coded Bias Discussion Flyer

Apr. 7th “Coded Bias” Film Screening & Discussion:

12pm – 3pm SEC 1.321

Released in January, 2020, Coded Bias, explores the fallout of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini's discovery of racial bias in facial recognition algorithms. In this film, Dr. Buolamwini interrogates biased algorithms, surveillance, and machine learning.

BRIDGE Week 2022 Archives
BRIDGE Week 2022 Banner



BRIDGE Week 2022 Alumni Panel poster

Alumni Panel (Hybrid)

Mon, April 4th | 5PM - 6PM | [NEW] SEC 3.302

IBM Researcher · Kleinfelder Engineer · Microgrid Systems Modeler & Analyst


Come hear from SEAS alumni in different industries on the realities of DIB at the workplace, and get tips on how to navigate industry as a URM or how to be an ally!






BRIDGE Week DIB Workshop Poster

DIB@SEAS Workshop (In-person)

Tue, April 5th | 4PM - 5.30PM | SEC 2.330

Organized with the Harvard College Engineering Society (HCES)

What channels are there to improve DIB at SEAS?

Come hear from DIB Committee members and Fellows about behind-the-scenes work. Join small groups to workshop a roadmap and action plan for DIB at SEAS!






BRIDGE Banquet 2022 Poster

BRIDGE Banquet

Wed, April 6th | 6PM - 8PM

Keynote Speaker: Professor Raquel Hill

Professor and Chair of Computer and Information Sciences, Spelman College

The BRIDGE Banquet is the cornerstone event of BRIDGE week. Student leaders at SEAS honor a SEAS alumnus that has made an impact on society and paved the way for future generations of engineers. 






BRIDGE Week 2022 WiCS Panel Poster

Women in CS Panel (Hybrid)

Thu, April 7th | 12.30PM - 1.30PM | SEC 3.301

Organized by Harvard Women in Computer Science (WiCS)

Come hear from WiCS seniors and alumni about the amazing work they have done with WiCS while at SEAS, and how they went on to become founders and product directors at tech companies!






BRIDGE Week 2022 IMMAW Poster


IMMAW: Voices for Diversity in STEM Speaker Event

Fri, April 8th | 12PM - 1PM | Virtual

Featuring Professor Gerald Torres, Professor of Environmental Justice and Law at Yale University

Come join us for a conversation with Professor Torres on how his work impacts minorities and fosters greater inclusion.




BRIDGE Week 2021 Archives


Tuesday, April 6th

The Intersections of STEM and Social Justice Series @ 12 PM EST

Dr. Renata Konrad


Dr. Renata Konrad, Associate Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Title: "Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts and the Potential of Engineering and Analytical Techniques"

Presentation Objectives:
· Identify opportunities for engineers and mathematicians to aid policy makers, service providers, law enforcement personnel, and other researchers counter human trafficking activity.
· Acknowledge challenges of modeling in these environments.
· Highlight the benefits of incorporating mathematical models into the decision-making process through illustrative examples.


Dr. Jhacova Williams

A Virtual Fireside Chat w/ Dr. Jhacova Williams @ 6 PM EST 


Dr. Jhacova Williams is an applied microeconomist focusing primarily on economic history and cultural economics. Her previous work has examined Southern culture and the extent to which historical events have impacted the political behavior and economic outcomes of Southern Blacks. Recent examples include historical lynchings and the political participation of Blacks; and Confederate symbols and labor market differentials. She has also done a series of projects investigating the role of structural racism in shaping racial economic disparities in labor markets. 


Wednesday, April 7th

LGBTQIA+ in STEM Panelists

LGBTQAI+ in STEM Panel Discussion @ 12 PM EST


Recent studies indicate that many students and academics in STEM fields who identify as LGBTQ+ do not feel comfortable or safe to be out in their work environments, and experience harassment at higher rates than other individuals. This event aims to raise the visibility of and celebrate LGBTQA+ people in STEM. In this panel discussion, we’ll hear from STEM professionals and academics about their academic and career path and their insight on challenging inequities for LGBTQAI+ people in these spaces.

Thursday, April 8th

SEAS Alumni Diversity Panel @ 12 PM EST


The Office of Career Development invites you to hear from four recent graduates about their experiences, achievements, and challenges they’ve faced in the professional world. 

Engineering Clinical Trials for Diverse Populations & Equitable Outcomes @ 3:15 PM EST

Engineering Clinical Trials for Diverse Populations and Equitable Outcomes Flyer


Panelists will discuss the role of scientists and engineers in the design and development of equitable vaccine clinical trials. The panel will address how specific populations have been historically marginalized in the drug development process, and how critical planning and implementation can help ensure better outcomes for all.


Friday, April 9th 

Addressing Anti-Asian Racism in the U.S.: Past and Present @ 3 PM EST


This panel will explore the history and impact of anti-Asian racism within the U.S., particularly in connection with the Model Minority Myth and STEM. Panelists will also touch on the history of the creation Asian American as an identity group, and tackle both its positives as a solidarity term and issues concerning the numerous different ethnicities it is meant to represent.