Student Stories

Showing 160 of 209 results

Student Profile

Humans of SEAS: Charlie Colt-Simonds, S.B. '20

Junior Charlie Colt-Simonds, an electrical engineering concentrator, is helping to develop a device aimed at reducing the infant mortality rate in the developing world.

Victoria Hwang

Student Profile

Grad student profile: Victoria Hwang

Applied physics Ph.D. candidate sees color in a whole new light

Applied physics Ph.D. candidate sees color in a whole new light

Student Profile

Grad student profile: Matheus Fernandes

Applied math Ph.D. candidate takes a deep dive into bio-inspired research

Applied math Ph.D. candidate takes a deep dive into bio-inspired research

Student Profile

Grad student profile: Anvay Ukidve

Hitchhiking to drive novel drug delivery methods forward

Hitchhiking to drive novel drug delivery methods forward

Student Profile

Humans of SEAS: Janet Chen, A.B. '19

Computer science concentrator Janet Chen, A.B. '19, is exploring creativity and resource scarcity in the context of startups.

Student Profile

Grad student profile: Buse Aktas

Ph.D. candidate blurs the lines between craftsmanship and engineering

Ph.D. candidate blurs the lines between craftsmanship and engineering

Student Profile

Senior project profile: Jackson Stansell

For his project in the capstone course Engineering Design Projects (ES 100), Stansell addressed the issue of nitrate leaching, which has economic and environmental costs.

Student Profile

Grad student profile: Fritz Lekschas

Computer science Ph.D. candidate is ‘Google Mapping’ the human genome

Computer science Ph.D. candidate is ‘Google Mapping’ the human genome