Student Stories

Showing 60 of 209 results
James Parker presents HiHome

Student Profile

HiHome sweet HiHome

MS/MBA, Undergraduate Technology Innovation Fellows team up for home purchase start-up

MS/MBA, Undergraduate Technology Innovation Fellows team up for home purchase start-up

Esther Koh, S.B. '22

Student Profile

Senior profile: Esther Koh

Learning all she could from her SEAS mentor

Learning all she could from her SEAS mentor

Jennifer Shum in the Harvard Microrobotics Lab

Student Profile

Building something new

Ph.D. candidate Shum brings love of design to Microrobotics Lab

Ph.D. candidate Shum brings love of design to Microrobotics Lab

Emily He

Student News Brief

Senior project spotlight: Emily He

A novel enzyme delivery platform for people with bleeding disorders

A novel enzyme delivery platform for people with bleeding disorders

Coleman Hooper and his senior capstone project

Student News Brief

Senior project spotlight: Coleman Hooper

Improving the energy efficiency of speech recognition systems on mobile and edge devices

Improving the energy efficiency of speech recognition systems on mobile and edge devices

Mythri Ambatipudi

Student News Brief

Senior project spotlight: Mythri Ambatipudi

A machine learning algorithm to assist with combination antibiotic therapies

A machine learning algorithm to assist with combination antibiotic therapies