Standing Committees

SEAS Standing Committees 2024-25

Committee for Higher Level Award Nominations

Identify candidates from SEAS faculty for high-level awards (e.g., NAE, NAS, etc.).

  • David Parkes (Chair)
  • James Anderson
  • Evelyn Hu
  • David Mooney (Fall)
  • Madhu Sudan


Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

The Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging will aid SEAS ODIB in the ongoing efforts of long-term strategic planning and implementation efforts to advance SEAS' commitment to inclusive excellence. By using qualitative and quantitative data to identify evidence-based best practices, the committee strives to foster a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all stakeholders. This body develops strategies, initiatives, and programs that align with SEAS's goals to create a community where every member can belong and grow, broadening participation in our discipline, and maximizing our societal impact. This involves supporting relevant offices, departments, and stakeholders in systematically realizing the plan. Additionally, the committee will foster community-wide engagement and feedback, ensuring continual assessment and updates of the SEAS Diversity Strategic Plan. The full list of committee members can be found at

  • Paula Booke (Chair)
  • Eddie Kohler (Co-Vice-Chair)
  • Diane Schneeberger (Co-Vice-Chair)


Computational Science and Engineering Program Standing Committee (CSE)

  • Boris Kozinsky (Faculty Director; DGS)
  • Anurag Anshu
  • Michael Brenner
  • Flavio Calmon
  • Stratos Idreos
  • Tim Kaxiras (Fall)
  • Michael Mitzenmacher (Spring)
  • Susan Murphy
  • Pavlos Protopapas (E-O)
  • Rebecca Nesson


Computing Advisory Committee

Oversees SEAS computing strategic priorities, policies, and resource allocation.

  • James Waldo (Chair)
  • Tim Bowman
  • David Hwang
  • Daniel Jacob
  • Rebecca Nesson
  • Michael Smith
  • Robin Wordsworth


Data Science Program Standing Committee

  • Finale Doshi-Velez (co-Chair; co-DGS)
  • Samuel Kou (co-Chair; co-DGS)
  • Nada Amin
  • Joseph Blitzstein
  • Mark Glickman
  • Vijay Janapa Reddi
  • Lucas Jansen (Spring)
  • Tracy Ke
  • Jun Liu
  • Cengiz Pehlevan
  • Pavlos Protopapas (E-O)
  • Mark Sellke
  • Subhabrata Sen (Spring)
  • Pragya Sur
  • Stuart Shieber (E-O)
  • Heng Yang


Director of Graduate Studies

Serves as primary contact for applicable graduate program regarding curricular issues, policy exceptions and petitions, and advisor issues. Ordinarily chairs the applicable CHD.

  • Federico Capasso (AP)
  • Yue Lu (AM)
  • Madhu Sudan (CS)
  • Boris Kozinsky (CSE)
  • Rob Wood (ES)
  • Eli Tziperman (co-DGS, ESE Fall and Spring)
  • Robin Wordsworth (co-DGS, ESE Spring)
  • Steve Wofsy (co-DGS, ESE Fall)
  • Finale Doshi-Velez (co-DUS, Masters of Data Science)
  • Sam Kou (co-DUS, Masters of Data Science)
  • Fawwaz Habbal (MDE)
  • Rob Howe (MS/MBA)


Director of Undergraduate Studies

Serves as primary contact for applicable undergraduate concentration regarding advising and curricular issues.

  • Zhiming Kuang (AM, Fall)
  • Eli Tziperman (AM, Spring)
  • Sarah Iams (AM, co-DUS)
  • Margo Levine (AM, co-DUS)
  • Samir Mitragotri (BIO)
  • Eddie Kohler (CS, Fall)
  • Boaz Barak (co-DUS CS, Spring)
  • Steve Chong (co-DUS, CS, Spring)
  • Gu-Yeon Wei (EE)
  • Katia Bertoldi (ES)
  • Elsie Sunderland (ESE, Fall)
  • Scot Martin (ESE, Spring)
  • Frans Spaepen (MSME)


Executive Team

Oversees planning for all strategic aspects of the organization, including: finance and budget, administration and staffing, physical resources and space, IT, resource development, communications, and fundraising, including financial relationships with FAS, other Schools and the Center, and enhanced space, financial, and campus planning for Allston and Cambridge.

  • David Parkes, Chair
  • Tim Bowman
  • Paula Booke
  • Leah Burrows
  • Anas Chalah
  • Cathy Chute
  • Rebecca Ginzburg
  • Kim Harris
  • Lene Hau
  • David Hwang
  • Diana Arone Johansen
  • Frank Keutsch
  • Rebecca Nesson
  • Pam Choi Redfern
  • Leslie Schaffer
  • Diane Schneeberger
  • James Waldo
  • Todd Zickler


Graduate Education Policy (GEPC)

  • Federico Capasso (Chair)
  • Yue Lu (AM)
  • Federico Capasso (AP)
  • David Mooney (BIO, Fall)
  • Kit Parker (BIO, Spring)
  • Madhu Sudan (CS)
  • John Girash (E-O)
  • Mary Kathryn Juskiewicz (E-O)
  • Boris Kozinsky (CSE)
  • Evelyn Hu (EE)
  • Rob Wood (ES)
  • Eli Tziperman (ESE)
  • Steve Wofsy (ESE)
  • Robin Wordsworth (ESE)
  • Finale Doshi-Velez (Masters of Data Science)
  • Fawwaz Habbal (MDE)
  • Rob Howe (MS/MBA)
  • Daniel Weinstock (E-O)


Higher Degrees (CHD) (Applied Math)

Reviews and approves program plans of PhD and master's students. Approves PhD student requests for delaying the qualifying exam. Assigns the Dean's nominee to PhD qualifying exam committee.

  • Yue Lu (Chair)
  • John Girash (E-O)
  • Mary Kathryn Juskiewicz (E-O)
  • Margo Levine
  • Cengiz Pehlevan


Higher Degrees (CHD) (Applied Physics)

Reviews and approves program plans of PhD and master's students. Approves PhD student requests for delaying the qualifying exam. Assigns the Dean's nominee to PhD qualifying exam committee.

  • Federico Capasso (Chair)
  • John Girash (E-O)
  • Mary Kathryn Juskiewicz (E-O)
  • Doeke Hekstra
  • Max Prigozhin
  • Frans Spaepen
  • Higher Degrees (CHD) (Computational Science and Engineering)
  • Boris Kozinsky (Chair)
  • Tim Kaxiras (Fall)
  • Michael Mitzenmacher (Spring)
  • Pavlos Protopapas (E-O)
  • Daniel Weinstock (E-O)


Higher Degrees (CHD) (Computer Science)

  • Madhu Sudan (Chair)
  • John Girash (E-O)
  • Mary Kathryn Juskiewicz (E-O)
  • Cynthia Dwork (Fall)
  • Stratos Idreos
  • James Mickens
  • Salil Vadhan
  • Les Valiant


Higher Degrees (CHD) (Data Science)

  • Finale Doshi Velez (Chair)
  • Samuel Kou
  • Pavlos Protopapas (E-O)
  • Daniel Weinstock (E-O)


Higher Degrees (CHD) (Engineering Sciences)

Reviews and approves program plans of PhD and master's students. Approves PhD student requests for delaying the qualifying exam. Assigns the Dean's nominee to PhD qualifying exam committee.

  • Rob Wood (Chair)
  • John Girash (E-O)
  • Mary Kathryn Juskiewicz (E-O)


Higher Degrees (BIO) Subcommittee

  • Jia Liu
  • Shriya Srinivasan

Higher Degrees (EE) Subcommittee

  • Gage Hills
  • Vijay Reddi

Higher Degrees (ESE) Subcommittee

  • Eli Tziperman
  • Steve Wofsy (Fall)
  • Robin Wordsworth (Spring)

Higher Degrees (MSME) Subcommittee

  • Mike Aziz
  • Frans Spaepen


Master in Design Engineering (MDE) Program  

  • Fawwaz Habbal (co-SEAS Director)
  • Andrew Witt (co-GSD Director)
  • Rebecca Nesson
  • SEAS faculty (TBD)


MS/MBA Program Steering Committee

Oversees all academic and curricular issues related to the MS/MBA program.

  • Alan McCormack (Co-Chair)
  • Robert Howe (Co-Chair)
  • Amitabh Chandra
  • Sheila Coveney (E-O)
  • Jill Fadule (E-O)
  • Carl Kester
  • Rebecca Nesson
  • Conor Walsh (Fall)
  • Daniel Weinstock (E-O)
  • Matthew Weinzierl


Professional Programs Advisory Group

Advises the professional programs staff on program development and overall direction for professional programs.

  • Michael Smith (Chair)
  • Cathy Chute (E-O)
  • Shriya Srinivasan
  • Fernanda Viégas
  • David Weitz


Steering Committee

Chaired by the Dean, this group provides counsel and guidance on important matters that span finance, administration, faculty affairs, academic programs, research, communications, and diversity, inclusion & belonging (DIB) initiatives.

  • David Parkes (Chair)
  • Michael Brenner (AM Area Chair, Spring)
  • Paula Booke (E-O)
  • Tim Bowman (E-O)
  • Leah Burrows (E-O)
  • Rebecca Ginzburg (E-O)
  • Lene Hau (Academic Dean for Education)
  • David Hwang (E-O)
  • Daniel Jacob (ESE Area Chair)
  • Frank Keutsch (Academic Dean for Research)
  • Petros Koumoutsakos (AM Area Chair, Fall)
  • Vinothan Mahoharan (AP Area Chair)
  • Rebecca Nesson (E-O)
  • Jennifer Lewis (BIO Area Chair)
  • Diane Schneeberger (E-O)
  • Stuart Shieber (CS Area Chair)
  • Joost Vlassak (MSME Area Chair)
  • Gu-Yeon Wei (EE Area Chair)
  • Todd Zickler (Academic Dean for Finance and Strategic Priorities)


Undergraduate Engineering Committee (UEC)

Oversees all engineering concentration policies (and serves as the College's ES concentration committee), including their management, relevant course content including engineering content for ABET, learning outcomes, and preparation for ABET reviews (including meeting with the advisory committee). Proposes new policies or changes such as course numbering, requirements and desired learning outcomes for prerequisite courses for engineering concentrations and grade requirements.

  • Katia Bertoldi (Chair)
  • Anas Chalah (E-O)
  • Seymur Hasanov (E-O)
  • Zhiming Kuang
  • Chris Lombardo (E-O)
  • Scot Martin (Spring)
  • Samir Mitragotri
  • Linsey Moyer (E-O)
  • Rebecca Nesson
  • Frans Spaepen
  • Elsie Sunderland (Fall)
  • Patrick Ulrich (E-O)
  • Gu-Yeon Wei
  • Bryan Yoon (E-O)


Additional SEAS faculty service:

  • China Project: Michael McElroy (Chair)
  • CIQM: Robert Westervelt (Faculty Director)
  • CNS: Robert Westervelt (Faculty Director)
  • CRCS: Milind Tambe (Faculty Director)
  • Data Science Initiative: Stratos Idreos (Faculty co-Director)
  • FAS Electronic Communications Policy Oversight Committee: Stephen Chong (Chair)
  • FAS Faculty Council:  Dan Needleman, Kit Parker
  • FAS Special Concentrations: Steve Chong, Pia Sörensen
  • Harvard Business Analytics Program: Hanspeter Pfister (Faculty co-Director)
  • Harvard Business School Undergraduate Fellows Program: Martin Wattenberg (Faculty co-Director)
  • Harvard Quantum Initiative: Evelyn Hu (Faculty co-Director)
  • Kempner Institute: Sham Kakade (Faculty co-Director)
  • LInc: Eric Mazur (Faculty Director)
  • MRSEC: Jennifer Lewis (Faculty Director)
  • FAS Professional Conduct Committee:  Michael Mitzenmacher (Chair)
  • Standing Committee on Information Technology: Henry Leitner, Jim Waldo
  • Standing Committee on Oceanography: Eli Tziperman (Chair)
  • Statistics Undergraduate Program Review Committee: Steve Chong
  • Wyss: Donald Ingber (Founding Director)

