Accounting aims to provide high-quality customer service to the SEAS community to ensure accurate recording of financial transactions.
In addition, the accounting staff assists with payroll, access to financial systems, and the administration of funds from gifts, start-up, and university-sponsored research.
For accounting related questions, please reach out to and a member of the accounting team will get back to you in a timely manner.
Please see the chart below for a comprehensive breakdown of the responsibilities shared among the SEAS accounting team. Listed next to each task is the team member who will be best able to answer any questions or concerns related to a specific area.

Each financial transaction at Harvard is identified by a 33-digit account string. That string is broken down into 7 segments including the following information:

- TUB - Identifies to which Harvard Unit a financial transaction belongs. SEAS’ Harvard Numerical Identity is TUB 325
- ORG - Identifies a group within SEAS, this is a 5 digit value that usually stands for a cost center.
- OBJECT CODE - Identifies the nature of the transaction. Examples include 6640 for Office supplies, 6600 for Lab supplies, and 6770 for Rental /lease of equipment.
- FUND - Identifies the source of the money. Types of funds are organized in university fund ranges as follows:
- School/Core (000001)
- Unrestricted Undesignated/Start-up (000100 - 054999)
- Sponsored Support (100000 - 299999)
- Gifts (300000 - 399999)
- Endowment (400000 - 499999)
- ACTIVITY - Identifies the project or effort for which the money is being used. It also identifies the type of function related to the expense. Examples include instructional, research or administration.
- SUB-ACTIVITY - Further defines different tasks, phases or subcategories within an activity.
ROOT - Used to identify a building or faculty.
Cross-validation rules (CVRs) are used within the Oracle financial systems to prevent the creation of invalid 33-digit account strings (CCIDs). Each cross-validation rule dictates what ranges of values may be used in combination with one another. If someone enters a transaction with an account string that does not fit the rules, then the transaction that was in process will not be allowed to continue.
In order to verify that an account string is valid, enter the 33-digit number into the Chart of Accounts Validator. The most common errors are cross-validation errors and CCID errors.
Cross Validation Error: If you receive a "Success: N" message, as shown below, please reach out to Accounting to validate the account strings.

CCID Error: If you receive "Success: Y" & "CCID: Not Yet Created" messages, as shown below, please click on the 'Create Account Coding' button. New code combinations will get loaded into Concur on a nightly basis and will be available to use the following day.

To request access to the financial systems in the 'Managed by SEAS Finance" section below, please fill out the Harvard Financial Systems Access Request Form and mail to and
To access the links listed below, please visit the HUIT Financial Systems page.
Systems Managed by SEAS Finance
HART - (Harvard Analytics and Reporting Tool) the reporting and analytics system for: Accounts Receivable, CAPS, Cash Management, Chart of Accounts, CSMA, Financial Grants Management, Procure to Pay, Travel & Expense, and User Security. Powered by OBI (Oracle Business Intelligence).
GMAS - (Grants Management Applications Suite) the University's system of record for proposals, awards, financials and documentation related to sponsored projects.
HUBS - (Harvard University Budgeting System) the application used for budget data entry, estimates, annotations, reporting, and submission associated with the annual budget and planning cycles.
Oracle - the system of record for processing financial transactions across all tubs at the University.
PI Dashboard - the application that provides principal investigators with a summary view for forecasting faculty sponsored and non-sponsored accounts.
Concur - the travel and expense reimbursement system used across the University, managed by Financial Operations.
Buy2Pay - the new procurement tool which centralizes and streamlines the buying and paying processes for goods or services purchased for the University.
Pcards - a credit card method of payment for goods when it is not possible to create a purchase order in HCOM, managed by Financial Operations.
Other Systems
Aurora - FAS personnel information network.
my.harvard - centralized student information system (SIS) used by multiple schools across the University.
Peoplesoft - HR system for managing employee paychecks, W4 forms, direct deposit, time reporting and approvals, absence requests, benefits enrollments, and performance management.
QlikView - enterprise intelligence technology that allows the University to deliver intuitive solutions for self-service data visualization and guided analytics that drive decision making.
ECRT - the web based system used to facilitate the effort certification and reporting processes, managed by Research Administration.